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Minimally Invasive Screws Cement Augmentation in Pedicle technique (MIS CAPT)

Spine injury and osteoporosis as well as other conditions that require spine surgery are common among older adults. An obstacle that is not quite well-known is loose screw if screws are used to support the vertebrae. It may not fuse properly with the bone causing pain and other complications. Although current technology allows for minimally invasive surgery, which reduces blood loss, pain, and complications, loose screws still can be a risk. Minimally Invasive Screws Cement Augmentation in Pedicle technique (MIS CAPT) has been delvoped to resolve this problem when screws are used to stabilize the spine in elderly patients.

Bone Fractures in Elderly Patients

Elderly patients can face multilevel compression facture spine because sometimes their bones have been neglected by not taking vitamind D and calcium supplements continuously, which can lead to osteopenia, osteoporosis and bone fractures. Furthermore, spine injury can occur due to body movement, such as lifting heavy objects, worng posture, or accidental falls. These can be detrimental to elderly patients who have brittle bones, which will manifest as severe backache and might even develop hunchback. Thus, patients should seek medical attention for proper treatment and diagnosis of their spine injury.

What is MIS CAPT?

Minimally Invasive Screws Cement Augmentation in Pedicle technique or MIS CAPT is an integration of standard screw pedicle surgery and cement injection to stabilize the bone. It requires a stack of two needles with a hole on the side. However, the incision is small, thereby reducing blood loss and complications. The cement will help stabilize the screw-bone interface to effectively prevent screws from becoming loose.

เทคนิคการใส่สกรูกระดูกสันหลังเสริมซีเมนต์แบบแผลเล็ก (MIS CAPT)

Benefits of MIS CAPT

The benefits of MIS CAPT, other than yielding good surgical outcome are:

  • MIS CAPT can be with any type of screws. The cement can be placed 360 degrees around the screws so that it will have enough strength to fuse hold them in place.
  • MIS CAPT can be used with any other type of minimal invasive surgery spine surgery to minimize trauma and increase efficacy.
  • Patients with osteoporosi, fractures or compression as well as degenerative bone condition can improve their pain level as well as return to their normal activities quicker without complications. MIS CAPT can also prevent having another surgery to fix the loose screw problem.

Who Should Get MIS CAPT

  • Patients with spine fracture
  • Patients with osteopenia
  • Patients with brittle bones
  • Patients suffering from osteoporosis
  • Patients who broke their back or have hunchback
  • Patietns with spondylolisthesis
  • Patients with scoliosis

Decline Height As Sign of Compression Fracture

There are several reasons why elderly adults lose their height. The spaces between the vertebrae tend have fluid loss over time and elderly adults may lose 2 – 3 centimeters. Also, osteopenia and osteoporosis as we age can result in brittleness. Thalessemia, or tumor in the bones or the bone marrow can also cause adults to become shorter. You should pay attention to your loved ones if they lose more than 5 centimeters and start to slouch rapidly. It is best to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Spine Surgeon Specialized in MIS CAPT

Gp. Capt. Dr. Tayard Buranakarl is an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spine surgery and MIS CAPT at Bangkok International Hospital. Please click here to schedule your appointment.

Hospital Specialized in Spine Treatment

Bangkok International Hospital is ready to care for all your orthopedic conditions, especially your spine. We have medical experts in orthopedic and multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals as well as the latest medical equipment to help bring you to your normal routines as before.